About Marius-Constantin Dinu
Posts by Marius-Constantin Dinu:
Imagine Kara
Imagine Kara was one of the most exciting project I have been able to work on and the team has worked exceptionally hard and dedicated to make it reality! Sadly, as life goes one, some project come and some may go to enable other ideas to flourish.
I want to thank you all for your dedication, hard work and support in all aspects during this amazing experience and I wish you all the best on your new paths.
Until next time!
Yours, Marius
How I earned almost one Bitcoin with masternodes in three weeks and how you can do the same!
Apollon is an amazing blockchain project that enables everyone to easily host and maintain masternodes. It is already competing with some Google Trends search terms such as EOS, NEO and Cardano from the top 10 list of coinmarketcap.com .
Deep Learning Script
NVIDIA DIGITS offers great support for experimenting with Deep Learning and provides great integration of Caffe Script.
To improve this experience I developed a DSL for Caffe which eases the prototyping of network architectures by drastically reducing the amount of code line and simplifying the development.
All the results are available on GitHub.
The project offers a Visual Studio Code Extension on the Marketplace, which provides a transpiler from the Deep Learning Script to Caffe Script.
DLS Demo:
Deep Learning
in this post I have added two PDF files with some important information and links related to the wide topic "Deep Learning".
These should give you some guidence where to start and how to dig deeper.
Good luck and have fun!
Using docker for Deep Learning
Operation Phrike
Operation Phrike has been created by students from the University of Applied Sciences Upper-Austria (Bachelor Software Engineering). It is basically a simulation software for military virtual reality combat scenarios. To create an authentic battlefield experience we use the Oculus Rift in combination with the Unreal Gameing-Engine. During the simulation process the test subject, usually a military representative, is monitored by different sensors to detect his experienced stress level. The collected data will be analyzed and used to extract information, which shows how a human reacts in certain war zone situations.
Internship Report
Developing a Xamarin App for Handwritten Character Recognition using a Neural Network
Company: Siemens Corporation Corporate Technology
Institute: University of Applied Sciences Upper-Austria
Field of Study: Software Engineering
Author: Dinu Marius-Constantin
This internship report gives an overview how about my experiences at Siemens Corporation Corporate Technology with the development of an application using a Neural Network for classification. It also compares the results a Support Vector Machine implementation summarizes the overall results.

Bachelor Thesis
Cross-Language integration for the Common Language Runtime of the .NET Framework
Institute: University of Applied Sciences Upper-Austria
Field of Study: Software Engineering
Author: Dinu Marius-Constantin
The basic idea is to translate any programming language code into .NET Intermediate Language (IL) code by using the open source .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn). Roslyn uses an abstract syntax tree (AST) to generate IL code. To transform JavaScript into a representative AST we can make use of a compiler generator such as Coco/R. The compiler generator uses an attributed gramma (ATG) to describe the corresponding behavior of a target language. With an ATG form it is possible to extract the required AST form and to use Roslyn for the IL code generation.